find your strength.

Personal Training + Massage Therapy in Owensboro, KY

Meet the owner

Welcome! I’m Ulysses Johnson, LMT, CPT, and I’m the owner of Strength Renewed. With more than 15 years of personal training experience and more than 10 years of massage therapy experience, I’m equipped to support a broad range of clients in meeting their health and fitness goals.

What are your health + Fitness Goals?


Lose Weight

Gain knowledge and accountability as we work together to design a plan to help you meet your weight loss goals and find renewed strength.

Reduce or eliminate chronic pain

Reduce pain and inflammation in the body with massage therapy. Practice exercises designed to increase stability in the body and improve biomechanics for reduced pain.

improve athletic performance

Support your training efforts with a personalized strength and fitness plan designed to help you reach peak athletic performance.

Reduce Stress + Tension

Experience the healing and stress-reducing benefits of massage therapy. Discover an exercise routine that supports your mental health and overall wellness.

Strength Renewed Services

Client reviews

Ready to renew your strength?